When, upon catching up with my daily dose of justjared gossip, I was greeted by the words "Alexa Chung: The New Sienna Miller?" I chuckled to myself, because I had been thinking exactly the same thing last night whilst having a flick through the Times' Style supplement
which features a four page feature of this "rising star".

It seems that Alexa is just reaching the peak; she is at the stage where she is receiving such a buzz (to X hairdresser: "yes, I want it short, like Alexa Chung?") that there is a threat of what I call the "Kennedy Element", developing.
And yet, despite the fact that the teeniest part of me may be yawning and considering "but isn't she just another London party girl, the same as Peaches Geldof was, before the Kennedy Element sets in?" I can't help but like her. Perhaps it's the fact that she doesn't have famous parents whose stardom she can feed off while she waits for a string reality tv deals to dither over, which I find a refreshing change. Alexa Chung, according to the Style article, also seems puzzled by who, exactly the paparazzi that follow her are trying to capture."Like, Alexa Chung, television presenter and It-girl? I mean, there's not much to being an It-girl- it's really quite a depressing title to hold."
It's a shame that such hype can leave a sour taste, and it's crazy that it is enough to make you feel as if you're sick of somebody that you don't even know. It may have been said before, but I think this just shows how mad this celebrity obsessed culture that is now our world has become. Don't get me wrong, I hold my hands high and am willing to admit that I'm one of these bloodsuckers, checking up to the minute gossip websites to analyse wardrobes and the lives of others. It's all rather sad when you look at it this way; It-girls and style stars cast off like 10 month old clothes for being "so last season".

I can fully appreciate that by writing this, I am contradicting myself somewhat, because, you see, meerly by mentioning the name "Chung" I am knocking time off of her "sell by date".
I just hope that the girl who came across as (for once) possessing a shread of sincerity is here to stay, minus that Kennedy Element.
* An explanation of the Kennedy Element:
Named after dear Cory, now a bit of a martyr for all things anti climax?
Boom, there she was, magazine snippets to covers and Nylon covers.
And then after initial hype, develops a case of serious overexposure, and that opaques and month eaten jumper combo that she has concocted just isn't doing it for you like it used to..
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ooh i love the buffalo plaid! i would say it would be hard to live up to the hype of being called the "new sienna miller"
argh I love your blog!
i knew we would have another alexa post - she seriously is becoming seen everywhere
however i think shes more down to earth and relatable than the other too
however.... the alex turner rumors are just not good - that boy is mine!
I feel a similar way about Chloe Sev., her style has overshadowed her acting so much I wonder if it is damaging her career and therefore taking away from her chances at remaining in this game...
as long as she doesnt design a line of topshop, shes fine by me
i confess, i love seeing her pop up with The Like (i thoguht theyd died) on Cobra though :o
she is cool enough but nothing to 'die for'. i luv your text once more. this sense of conflict of you against yourself is totally equa to what i'm feeling many times.
I like her style, though I feel its a shame that she's been hyped up as the new Sienna Miller. I just hope she won't be subjected to the same pressure of fame as Sienna had.
Good post and I love the kennedy element thing, you came up with it as it is so true. I like Alexa, her clothes are fabulous and she seems quite cool really but like you said I am quickly tiring of reading about her.
Just as we're mentioning alexa - a while ago you mentioned that she was an ellegirl model and low and behold, when I took out my battered copies, there she was in a spread. Surprised I was indeed!
I think I am the only person who doesn't like Alexa
I have tried to work out why, I have considered that I may even be jealous of her, and I have tried hard to like her but I just don't
I don't find her funny and I don't know she just has a vibe I don't agree with
I do think she is stunning though
i do really like her, i love her style. and i know what you mean about the haircut! i can just imagine people doing that...
i love both alexa chung AND cory kennedy
though, really, alexa chung is 99% unknown here in canada. only by hardcore arctic monkeys fans, anglophiles and bloggers (i am all three!)
im just wondering if she can "break through" to north america? what do you think?
Kat, is there any way you could scan the spread in Elle Girl, please??
I'd love to put it on her Fashion Spot thread...we haven't seem much of her modelling work, pre-fame.
I really like alexa chung, she seems like a really fun person especially when she was on popworld.
i guess im quite guilty of all this myself ;]
thanks for the link back, sweetie.
ive missed you. it seems we havent chatted in ages.
could i seriously love you & all your posts anymore?!
love, A.
I absolutely love her, and anticipate her possible it girl status, because she has a wonderful style.
Ooh, I quite like Alexa Chung's style.
Haha - I agree with deexdeexdreamer about "just say no" to Topshop endorsements!
I don't live anywhere near London, but she sounded like a nice girl who isn't obsessed with her 'style' despite having oodles of it...best kind, I say.
I like her more than Sienna certainly...
so true. im getting over the fact that i am angry that her name is alexa too and beginning to like her. she seems clever enough.
and yes, radiohead it is, the song's called wierd fishes.
Way better then Sienna and Dates my platonic love...oh well some girls are lucky...not that I'm not. :P
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