It's easy to go about reading trend guides here and there, or having a peek at style.com and what the Olsens are wearing, but taking inspiration from far-fetched subjects really adds so much more fun, and it's amazing how creative you can get. I always find people who base their style on an unexpected source really fascinating.
Hey, you could use a car as a idea base and incorporate pieces into your outfit made from man made materials in solid, consistent colours. Or pay homage to the interiors. Grey and leather, anyone?
But here's an though. Dress like a country. Embrace a place's culure; their stereotypical dress, their geography, their animals, their weather, their art. The Fiji landscape of tropical rainforest in feather and bold florals. Make like Francois Hardy and don "that" bretagne striped shirt. They're what bowler hats are to the English, non? Have a dig around your drawers; Stars and stripes or red white and blue? Pay homage to the United States
But here's an though. Dress like a country. Embrace a place's culure; their stereotypical dress, their geography, their animals, their weather, their art. The Fiji landscape of tropical rainforest in feather and bold florals. Make like Francois Hardy and don "that" bretagne striped shirt. They're what bowler hats are to the English, non? Have a dig around your drawers; Stars and stripes or red white and blue? Pay homage to the United States

i love the idea of dressing like a country. marvelous.
sounds like a case of late-night inspiration- my fave! If i had some peggy guggenheim sunnies,ysl-inspired acrylic jewllery and er, a bikini i'd be miss america. or the front cover of a Killers cd
either or
That's a terrific idea. My friends always say I look patriotic when I wear red, white and blue anyway--I should just do it intentionally.
I'm a sucker for Fiji cause I was there in November, soo gorgeous...everything even the traditional clothes.
I love the whole chanel america combo it was surprisingly clasy!!
Imp F.B.A.
voting has been moved up to Feb 1st.
Great Idea!
Aw poopie, no Africa? ;p
There was a lot of Asian-inspired wear this season too :].
The French ones are my favorite... I always try to incorporate crazy themes into my outfits, like circus performer, or eight-year-old boy in skinny jeans and a vintage little kid's sweatshirt (my look yesterday).
How about...dressing like all three countries at the same time? Yes please....
i like dress like fiji a lot, i think i'll do this in summer! and dress like france is always a classic!
I'd far rather dress like sweden or even russia. Not finland.
juliet xxx
Haha I love this, esp the French look. I would have to dress in lots of feather headpiece if it was Taiwan though, which wouldn't actually be a bad thing..
Love the French look but i personally always find myself inspired by India<3
too cool! i love how you grouped them :)
the dvf and mcqueen are sooo gorgeous.
i loved the stripes too.
very very good idea/ My favoutrite is france.
Brilliant post - my favourite is france as well.
and i see you posted the kirsten dunst shirt - yay!
Ooh, it's like a holiday without leaving the house. Where to first?
My favourite is also the french look!
Your blog is great!
Amazing idea!
Almost like a wake up call.
I would love to read an interview where, when asked what inspires their style, the person answers "Peru"
I'm def going for dressing like Paris :).
Love the American style &hearts
Finally I am here
I feel like I have been trecking to your blog for weeks, my internet keeps breaking (which is like the worst thing ever OH MY GOD YEAH!) so not only have i been living without gossip sites (although in a birth miricle it worked for about 10 mins for me to find out about Harlow) i have also had no blogging
Great post, I think I want to do the American thing, I think I am secretly American becuase I like it so much more than England. I intened to move there. I even understand the politics more than in the UK.
I am also into the Fiji look though, but I think it might be too cold for now.
x x x x
love this post.
The fiji look is perfect for summer break.
you always have such original blogs!! i love it
This gets me wondering what Canada's style is. Winter coats and mukluks? haha.
I'm afraid I'm a little bit fatigued of the gallic striped shirt at the moment. That period of hipster stripes still has bad connotations for me...
haha good idea :)
What a fabulous idea! You should do more countries, it was a fun read. And wtf is up with you, real siyan shanghai?
great post!!!!
so original
I like so much your collages! I like the french style, it's my fav
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