Sunday, January 27, 2008

Nicole Richie in checkered high waisters.

Prologue: It's january. Which is the month when everything drags slowly and everyone spends their time daydreaming and pretending that they are somewhere else. so let's pretend that it's july 2007 again (retrrrro) back when everyone knew that Nicole Richie had a bun in the oven, even if she wouldn't let on.
Nylon's August issue has just come out and she's on the cover proclaiming "I don't have a clue why I'm famous either".. read on.

"Nicole Richie.. in checkered high waisters."
(Bet that wasn't a sentence you were expecting to see..)
So, what it is that you do when you're on holiday, soaking up the sun but still feeling a bit bored?
Shoot a cover for Nylon, of course!
Part of me wishes that following the shoot, Nicole had been styled by David Bonney* everyday, but really, there are plenty of blinged up hipsters in this world already. Then again, there aren't many pushing a pram.

*that's the dude who styled her for the shoot, y'all.


Bojana said...

Wait, this is from january???

She didnd't gain a kilo while she was pregnant , did she? Whoa

Kendra said...

I think we need more motherly hipsters in the world.
Bring on David Bonney!

Anonymous said...

First of all, love love the metric, i think i first heard it on one of these Nylon shoot vids for someone else!

Back2Business, Nicole actually seems meek here! I've always thought she'd stay one of those people who i love their wardrobe but hate hate'em (Rachel Zoe, slowly Mischa) but i'm willing to forgive her for the Simple Life era

Her disney couture outfit was what sparked me into high-waisted shorts afterall...

Teresa said...

Nicole Richie, hipster, Paris's sidekick, and mother. Wow, have the times changed...

riz said...

She is just so precious. I really enjoy her style, and cannot wait to see what's she's like post baby.

..... said...

love her shoes !!!

A. said...

sure you can have my email, doll.

i would just email you but my mac mail is acting strange today :/

it is :

ps. love this song x

Mash said...

i love nicole she s beautiful :)
P;S: i love the song on your page

Anonymous said...

I'm actually curious to see her child....

Unknown said...

I would kill for a pair of those Balenciaga Mary-Janes...

Lana said...

Great idea for summer. My summers are always so lame. But maybe not this one, I'm spending it with family :)! Should be fun.

Grow up and blow away, great song.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Those high-waisted checked pants were my favorite! I think she does pretty well styling herself (lately at least).

Cicely said...

YES YES YES! Metric, i saw them a while ago and they were actually awesome. Its all good, a bit olsen twinsish but that's not a bad thing. Seriously though a body like that a month after a baby is just not healthy damn it!

molly said...

i love how this post was written!

Secretista said...

I love the jeans. I'm wearing high waisted jeans today too!

hannah said...

i love it. i love nylon, and nicole.


Jen of MadeByGirl said...

SHE LOOKS great in this shoot, love her hair and her tattoo...!

Jen Ramos
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