Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This is a Tribute

I'll keep this short and sweet because I am sure that you are as shocked as I was to hear about the death of Heath Ledger. So here follows a short tribute, to the fantastic and nay, fantastically attractive actor.
He died on Tuesday 22nd (yesterday) in his Manhatten appartment, and I would like to point out that the cause of his death has not been confirmed and I don't wish to get sucked into an unneccesary debate, because really, that is not what it important here.
Sadly, I know that Perez Hilton will have a weeks worth of posting about coronary verdicts and conspiracys and that is most certainly not what this blog is about, so instead here are some images of Heath Ledger, to pay homage to him in a way that celebrates his life, the way we would like to remember it.

and let him be remembered with this picture, which perfectly sums up his cheeky persona and humour, but also his value of privacy and his family.


Unknown said...


thaks for your comment, granny=grandmather? no? jaja
my english...

the dead of this actor is true?:(

the most bad english magazines are better than spanish, I'm sure


Courtly Love said...

I was hoping someone would do a post like this. I was shocked when I heard the news. It figures though that I'm already hearing a lot of people making jokes about it.

Anyway, thank you so much for linking me!!! Even if it's only temporary, you're too sweet. :]

Anonymous said...

i can't believe it!!! My heart hurts... BUT this is a lovely tribute...

Aisha said...

I love the way you write, and it's good you focused on telling us about us about when he lived, better than what people is saying about the cause of his death.

It's still hard to believe he's gone, he was so young and talented.

Teresa said...

This is so tragic...WHY GOD WHY? Heath, god he was only one of the few actors I actually respect. Truly a touching tribute you made...

Anonymous said...

when i heard the news my jaw pretty much dropped! how could such a talented and pretty man such as heath ledger die! nooo
but thanks for the tribute, it will probably be the best one around just because it includes that last picture.

Anonymous said...

I was pretty shocked too! RIP...

Héloïse J. said...

i heard it this morning and was so SHOCKED. i was hoping too for such a post. RIP.

Blue Floppy Hat said...

It's so sad..but that picture is just perfect. RIP is not a set of initials you want to see attached to the name of someone so young, ever.

Bojana said...

I was so shocked when I heart it this morning on the news!!! I thought I didn't hear right, but unfortunately I did...It's so sad! I loved him in Lords of Dogtown, he was so hot.

Miss at la Playa said...

I can't believe it!


Lola said...

a lovely tribute, very respectful

PrincessSteph said...

lovely lovely tribute. Well done. I agree with your sentiments. have a huge soft spot in my heart for him. Sadness is all I can feel for this. Just sadness.
First time i've been to your blog. Well done. i am enjoying it a lot. Keep up the good work.

Carolina Lange said...

Great tribute! I was a huge fan of his work!

Kseniya said...

this is a really nice tribute! my friends made a mini shrine in our form room at school.

Anonymous said...

I was heartbroken to hear of his death. Not even a huge fan of his but his death made me realsie how much respect I have for him. Seemed like a geniunely lovely guy and a very talented actor. It is awful to hear that this is true and I feel sorry for those close to him, particularly Michelle and their daughter Matilda, who won't grow up with her daddy.

María said...

I pity him so much. It was clear he needed help, and nobody gave him a hand. It's so sad. Hollywood should change its attitude toward celebrities. This is just one of the many consequences that it brings.

Tala said...

thanks for this posting, and for the photos. im sure heath would have wanted something like this than the media circus other bloggers are posting about. rip.

Anonymous said...

i couldnt believe it...i thought it was a smarmy joke headline for a while, til the denial wore off :(

i cant watch Dark Knight now, irony will be too high

me + my friend r watchin 10things in tribute this weekend, as well as the others....

Secretista said...

So sad. ;[

hannah said...

tragic. he was so young and so talented.


Alya said...

I am distraught. He was one of the VERY FEW young actors I admired.

Whatever he went through must have been like swimming against the waves. There comes a point when you're just too weak.

I agree with not writing about the cause of death because that's not whats important. Lets celebrate the life of this wonderfully artistic and loving man.

R.I.P Heath.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Oh heath...we will miss you...*tear*

Lana said...

I can't believe that he is dead. I'm still convinced that is some kind of sick joke!!

But this is a very good post. Celebrating a life of a wonderful actor!

Siru said...

lovely, thanks.

juliet xxx

Ana said...

i heard some church group is protesting his funeral because of his role in Brokeback Mountain.

Messed Up.

riz said...

this is just too unbelievably sad for words...and ANA, I can't believe that!!!

Kat said...

Your tribute is really nice. It's just so shocking, he was so lovely:-(

A. said...

It really affected me, too. It seemed like no one around me cared, while all Wednesday I was a bit mopey. I watched The Patriot and could barely get through it, it was so sad every time he came on screen, looking so unfairly beautiful. The pictures of him with his daughter absolutely make my heart break.