If there is any time to amend my habit of lateness, it is was for the Burberry show. With half an hour to kill before meeting Ella of Coco's Tea Party for a cuppa, I strolled from Pimlico station towards the venue, getting a sense of the building excitement the closer I came to the Chelsea School of Art. Photographers and news reporters were stood on street corners nearby taking orders over the phone from their editors and I laughed as I passed a coach just down the road with the handsome all male waiters and events staff piling off in a sea of black shirts and excellent gene pools. I later told Ella is was like the 'anti school trip' with these young men looking like they'd been sent straight from a casting agency.
Disney Roller Girl was right when she compared the proceedings of the evening to a film premiere. As I arrived and took a seat on a bench just outside the Tate Britain to watch it all unfold I realised I had been a little naive about what to expect. The sheer scale of glamour and gloss was overwhelming; a white carpet and an army of press, this was of an entirely different level to the Unique shows I've attended.

Having my heroes walk straight past me was incredibly surreal, and I'd love to say that I acted all cool and uninterested as is convention at fashion shows, but alas, with Carine Roitfeld, Mario Testino or Anna Wintour walking by it's impossible not to bat an eyelash.
The start of the show sent shivers down my spine as soon as the opening track started. The haunting lyrics of Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors by Editors (not usually a fan) and the glow of the all white tent set a peaceful tone. All the more perfect when combined with the soft botanic pastel shades that sailed down the runway to reflect the distant spring. The understated confidence of the models and their gentle glides had me entranced, despite the intricate garments they wore and the price tags attached to them, it was all very modest and unshowy.
Altogether it felt like a very special moment to be witnessing; the show symbolised the close of a hugely successful 25th London Fashion Week and of course Burberry's return to show at London after eight years. Burberry has never been a label I would particularly see myself wearing (bank balance aside..) purely because, well, it's just not very me. However, sitting in a tent full of fashion industry bigwigs and veterans sitting elbow to elbow in anticipatory silence to left me feeling rather patriotic (not a common characteristic in Brits!) and proud of the status of this British brand.

After the show ended, we all left (though Ella and myself went via the front row to sneakily grab Carine Roitfeld and Mary Kate Olsen's place tags (see, I told you we weren't part of the aloof brigade, and anyway we used 'But I'm a blogger, it is my duty to return with evidence' as our excuse for such behaviour..) and with Disney Roller Girl quickly met Mario Testino before heading to Burberry HQ for the afterparty.

Any worries of a school disco type scenario, with that metaphorical 'loser' wall being designated for the bloggers were put to rest when we went inside. Actually it was quite the opposite as rather ironically the area which had been set up with computers for some instant reporting had been adopted by Team Paris Vogue and Team Love as their very own hang out.
So as we settled down to do one obligatory post before enjoying the rest of the party me and Ella exchanged bambi style glances at the situation we found ourselves in; Carine and Julia were dancing to La Bamba by Richie Valens just behind us as the rest of the room clapped and watched their performance.

l-r julia and jessie from les mads, and ella from cocosteaparty with myself.
Later, we met up with Jessie and Julia from Les Mads; they are truly the most gorgeous and lovely girls and we shared a couple of drinks before all bowing out. There was something imensely satisfying about returning to my Aunt's flat in Finsbury park, taking off my make up and changing into an old tee shirt before bed. It was the ultimate juxtaposition of glamour, but with images of Carine, Katie Grand and Mario floating around my head all the more enjoyable.
Thanks to Amy and Miles and everyone at Burberry for making it such a fantastic night and making the bloggers feel perfectly well looked after!
Disney Roller Girl was right when she compared the proceedings of the evening to a film premiere. As I arrived and took a seat on a bench just outside the Tate Britain to watch it all unfold I realised I had been a little naive about what to expect. The sheer scale of glamour and gloss was overwhelming; a white carpet and an army of press, this was of an entirely different level to the Unique shows I've attended.
Having my heroes walk straight past me was incredibly surreal, and I'd love to say that I acted all cool and uninterested as is convention at fashion shows, but alas, with Carine Roitfeld, Mario Testino or Anna Wintour walking by it's impossible not to bat an eyelash.
The start of the show sent shivers down my spine as soon as the opening track started. The haunting lyrics of Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors by Editors (not usually a fan) and the glow of the all white tent set a peaceful tone. All the more perfect when combined with the soft botanic pastel shades that sailed down the runway to reflect the distant spring. The understated confidence of the models and their gentle glides had me entranced, despite the intricate garments they wore and the price tags attached to them, it was all very modest and unshowy.
Altogether it felt like a very special moment to be witnessing; the show symbolised the close of a hugely successful 25th London Fashion Week and of course Burberry's return to show at London after eight years. Burberry has never been a label I would particularly see myself wearing (bank balance aside..) purely because, well, it's just not very me. However, sitting in a tent full of fashion industry bigwigs and veterans sitting elbow to elbow in anticipatory silence to left me feeling rather patriotic (not a common characteristic in Brits!) and proud of the status of this British brand.
After the show ended, we all left (though Ella and myself went via the front row to sneakily grab Carine Roitfeld and Mary Kate Olsen's place tags (see, I told you we weren't part of the aloof brigade, and anyway we used 'But I'm a blogger, it is my duty to return with evidence' as our excuse for such behaviour..) and with Disney Roller Girl quickly met Mario Testino before heading to Burberry HQ for the afterparty.
Any worries of a school disco type scenario, with that metaphorical 'loser' wall being designated for the bloggers were put to rest when we went inside. Actually it was quite the opposite as rather ironically the area which had been set up with computers for some instant reporting had been adopted by Team Paris Vogue and Team Love as their very own hang out.
So as we settled down to do one obligatory post before enjoying the rest of the party me and Ella exchanged bambi style glances at the situation we found ourselves in; Carine and Julia were dancing to La Bamba by Richie Valens just behind us as the rest of the room clapped and watched their performance.
l-r julia and jessie from les mads, and ella from cocosteaparty with myself.
Later, we met up with Jessie and Julia from Les Mads; they are truly the most gorgeous and lovely girls and we shared a couple of drinks before all bowing out. There was something imensely satisfying about returning to my Aunt's flat in Finsbury park, taking off my make up and changing into an old tee shirt before bed. It was the ultimate juxtaposition of glamour, but with images of Carine, Katie Grand and Mario floating around my head all the more enjoyable.
Thanks to Amy and Miles and everyone at Burberry for making it such a fantastic night and making the bloggers feel perfectly well looked after!
sounds like a dream! you guys are def the luckiest bloggers!!
Oh I love your shoes!
You two are incredibly lucky! I love both your blogs.
xx. Shannon
oh my god! looks like you had an amazing time!
AND THE vid of carine dancing, actually made my night!
was nice meeting you btw! maybe meet up in london next time I'm around!
frassy loveee
yes, i agree! and i love the header picture
xoxo taylor
The Burberry show sounded and looks amazing!!! I really love how you went to grab their place tags, i would of done the same... think I would of been so star struck if I was ever that lucky to attend such a show! great blog by the way x
wow that's wonderful! looks like you had an awesome time. i love your outfit!
I love the place tag theft.
oo that sounds amazing! burberry is so fantastic right now
You are so lucky! It's my dream to go to London Fashion Week!
Love, a jealous fan.
thats an amazing outfit!! I love your skirt
What an incredible experience! (god i sound like my mother). And you an Ella both have the 'fashion week cool' look down to a tea..Ah the envy!
Oh Carine, what a legend.
Okay, I am officially green with envy. You, darling, are so lucky, it's insane.
Btw- following you now, because I am a prospective new fan ;)
well I live in Finsbury Park, and its a hell of a lot more glamourous than it used to be..!!
it looks amazing. i'm enjoying the clip of carine dancing. and i love your outfit so much, especially that skirt.
on another note, i follow your twitter and really like hearing what books you're reading...when you get time maybe a book recommendation/ books you've read lately post? or currently reading tweets? i've developed somewhat of an obession with book lists - i'm sorry if i sound like a crazy woman.
you are toooooo lucky missy! and looking very alexa-chung like in your outfit, i like it a lot. well, you look better than the chung i say ;)
mario looks so cute too with his cheesy grin. claire x
Hey-I think I saw you today at the Manc Uni open day in the packed American studies thing? If not, you have a Manchester doppelganger.
i really like burberry prorsum i can't wait for buying something!
i love anna wintour, she's the best!!
Lucky! Did you hang out with Susie Bubble, too?
Emsie, tried finding you on Twitter but not quite sure what to search! Anyway, don't quite feel the best authority on reading lists (though I also share a slight OCD complex for them too) purely because I've been v bad at actually finishing books lately.
But these are some on my to-read list which other people have recommended to me..
'The Shadow of the Wind' by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. (I've been told the first few 100 pages are tough but you MUST stick it out as it's worth it!)
'La Ardilla Rioja' by Julio Medem.
'Peoples history of the United States' by Howard Zinn. This one is a non fiction history book, not sure if you're particularly into this area but it's a must read if you are.
Also two which I always love, but you may have read already as they're both classics in their own right; Pride and Prejudice and The Virgin Suicides.
And to the Anonymous commenter; yes, I was at the Manchester open day! How funny! Were you by any chance in the front row of the auditorium? On the right hand side if you were facing Ian Scott? You should have said hi, we could have swapped views on the course! By the way, you'd probably be interested in the above book I mentioned by Howard Zinn..
thanks for the recommendations stevie, will definitely check them out - i follow your twitter page but don't actually have an account myself...sorry should have maybe mentioned that - love reading your tweets though, not to sound too stalkerish or anything!
I love your outfit! And Ella's, both of you look fab. Looks like a fantastic night, and a great experience x
love the Roitfield video, so fun! You'd never catch La Wintour like that.
Really admire your blogging!
We'll be back!
Come take a wee peek@TBAG xxx
Lovely outfit yours! And lucky you, it was a gorgeous show.
so envious of you right now!!
haha you and ella looked amazing
i can only imagine how much fun you guys had!!!
You are so lucky to attend Burbery's show at fashion week
i am beyond jealous.
how did you get this opportunity?
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