But this is one reinvention I'm not keen on. Punk?*
Want to know why? Its what all the chavvy girls in my year are doing at the moment! I have never understood the attraction of red hightlights, and I'm sorry if any of you fall into this category, but I've never seen it pulled off successfully.
I think Rachel should take a leaf out of Cameron's book and go back to dark. I love her and I blonde locks, but I think it creates the tendency of making her look like yet another blonde hollywood star.
See how much classier she looks here!? Oh well, at least shes not another Zoebot. Now that would be tedious.
*PS, sorry to any Vivienne Westwood enthusiasts who will insist that this isn't punk. But it kind of is in Hollywood!
I am not a fan of the pink/red stripes that she is currently sporting. Ahe needs to go back to being a brunette.
Disco! Link me if I link you? HAHA, Iekeliene is so not rocking it for me, fyi. Also, I will not be happy if punk comes back. I don't want to wear metal cuffs and dye my hair one of the primary colors!
She looks SO much more classy without those pink stripes. But then again, she is doing something out of the ordinary and she doesn't go with the flow so credit to her in a way ;)
i have to say i am not keen. she looks like she should be in a nice cardigan and pearls. not punk at all.
i have to say i am not keen. she looks like she should be in a nice cardigan and pearls. not punk at all.
aw i wish she'd go back to her normal hair. she's not exactly "punk rock"...
sure, let's trade links! :)
i wish she would ditch that awful hair, she's so pretty. I don't know what's come over her shame really....okay for a joke but for chanel couture shows- i think not.
x x x x
I love the way her hair looks short with the pink highlights. Long didn't do it for me, but short... I think she looks great.
how do you get music to play?
i keep hoping that its for a role or something.... what else could explain it?
I am not feeling the pink, but she does still look very adorable!
Look at her cuteness? You can't help but be kind of forgiving!
PS. Fancy checking out my blog?
maybe she wasnt trying to go for the 'punk' look...isnt it possible she just wanted to have a little fun with her hair for a bit? anyway..i think the pink is kind of cute and fun but then again when i was little i wanted to die my hair blue
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