Sunday, March 04, 2007

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I don't know about you, but I starting to smell a new style clotheshorse has been thrown into the mix.

Since first seeing Rinko wow the crowds with her Chanel "pompom" dress at this years Golden Globes, I've kept an eye out for her outfits of choice at premieres, and in particular at the Oscars. Although she didn't have much chance in the same category as Jennifer Hudson, she chose another Chanel dress that, in my opinion, made her one of the best dressed women, along with Reese, Penelope, Gwyneth and co.

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A peek at her back catalogue of get-ups reveals a quirly androgenuos tuxedo and a chic body conscious black minidress among many other great choices, leaving her well and truly covered by the "up and coming" limelight.

I'm impressed.

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Anonymous said...

I think she looks really pretty, but slightly too white. I wonder if she had that eye surgery thing?

Q said...

Marissa--if she had black hair, you would definitely be able to tell that she's Asian.

Rinko is the only reason I want to see Babel, I've heard great things about her scenes.

Anonymous said...

japanese can never be too white.

babel is only worth watching because of her scenes. The story of her character is by far the most interesting.

nice pics btw!!

do love your blog! wanna link to mine? would appreciate it, thanks in advance if you did ^^ regards

What's Haute said...

interesting look

alluretone said...

ah! that balenciaga dress!- i'm obsessed with it. i really like her style- esp the ones from backstage. also loveeed what she wore to the oscars- i thought the hair was ace.

Ella Gregory said...

shes really cool and quirky
i havent seen any of her films though, i jest watch her style.
the only one i am not so keen on is the pink chanel she wore, although i apreciate the quirk of it.
i love the natalie portman picture you have up, she looks so beautiful in it.

Lana said...

I don't know her, but I like her style!

thecoherent said...

great blog. i just came across it, and read all the posts. check out mine when you get a chance..perhaps swapping links?

maya said...

she has the greatest cheekbones!

Flashy_Shades said...

she was a fantastic pick, and i hadn't seen many of those photos... well done!

Flashy_Shades said...

ps - do you want to exchange links?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I saw The Science of Sleep it came out in the fall in Canada. I loved it so much.

Sarah said...

i really like her in the white dress. love the blog as well, wanna trade links?

camaybraham said...

good post. rinko's cool despite what hollywood says of her style

Anonymous said...

For all of the trash that was talked about her in the mainstream media, I thought everything she wore--and especially her hair & make-up--were absolute charming & much more interesting than any of the blah usuals that show up on the red carpet. Good call.

Anonymous said...

woah i thought she was white in the first picture! but i love her dress in that first picture!

Anonymous said...

woah i thought she was white in the first picture! but i love her dress in that first picture!

-S said...

most of the time she is horribly off, but sometimes, she hits the mark..

Flashy_Shades said...

you're linked!

Anonymous said...

Everyone is really harsh about what she wears but it is refreshing to see someone who doesn't follow the 'long dress in one colour with one type of embellishment + understated updo/jewellery' formula. Much love for being different.

a said...

i can't see the pictures!!

Style Spot said...

First off I have to say a big THANK YOU for all of your support while the hunt has been going on. I really want to give you a huge hug because you have been extremely positive all the way, and you have been so kind to let me know that. You are such a sweetheart!!

I'm not sure what I am going to do yet. I might go back to my "old" posts, or I might do a new round either with past style icons like Edie and Marilyn, models or up & coming style icons like Peaches Geldof. But I'm not sure yet..what do you think?? I'd love your opinion! :-D

Model Citzen said...

I just saw Babel, and I LOVE HER IN THIS! she was awesome. And that Chanel dress is so gorgeous!