Mischa Barton and A Yo Yo Year
She was one of the LA style sweethearts of the last two years and a name often assosiated with those fateful words "style icon". But along came 2007 and the start of a year yo-yo-ing in the style stakes. Not only have her many project choices been questionable (Finding T.a.T.u, anyone?) but her wardrobe choices (the hippie phase and the Keds) have raised more than a few eyebrows (and bitchy comments from the Fug Yourself girls.)
She was one of the LA style sweethearts of the last two years and a name often assosiated with those fateful words "style icon". But along came 2007 and the start of a year yo-yo-ing in the style stakes. Not only have her many project choices been questionable (Finding T.a.T.u, anyone?) but her wardrobe choices (the hippie phase and the Keds) have raised more than a few eyebrows (and bitchy comments from the Fug Yourself girls.)
Mischa seems to be without the help of Rachel Zoe these days, and despite my not so warm opinion of the "celebrity stylist"; she has certainly
done a lot of good for clients such as Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Garner who unlike the OC alum, have donned undeniably successful get ups on the red carpet.

What continues to amaze many is that despite this years hit and miss efforts, Barton has continued to grace the front rows of the fashion shows as well as countless magazine covers, and that is because despite some unfortune bib-dress moments, she still helps the tweens and twenty somethings alike part with their cash. A quick scroll through asos.com displays plenty of products " as seen on Mischa Barton" alongside favourites like Sienna, Kate and, dare I say, Victoria.
There was a while when it didn't seem that there was much in the pipeline for this actress, and instead her face could be seen on the glossies and weeklies of anybody's local magazine stand, but rarely, just rarely a corker will pop up and remind us why Mischa used to be a blog favourite. The Arena cover for example, with Mischa rolling around in Jemery Scott, and all things sleek, shiny and sexy.
seems to be that the former "Zoebot" could do with a serious style revamp for the New Year. I'm sure that Hollywood favourites like Andrea Liebermann and Philip Bloch could muster something up, but I'm more interested to see how you would improve Ms Barton's look.

Speak up, you diverse crowd, and tell everyone what she should be wearing come 2008 if you had your way.
A quick note to say I have been swamped under a huge workload this week, as I know that many of you have too, especially with "finals" and all the international equivalents underway. Can't wait to catch up on all your fantastic posting, so bear with me because I will!
i still love mischa.
some more of her on the red carpet would be great, she's worn some stunning dresses in the past.
mixing vintage with some new designers? she's been in the past quite supportive of up-and-coming, fresh designers.
i'm not really sure, but hopefully we'll see some great oufits from her next year
I have done the "same post" therefore I absolutely agree.what I would like her to have done would be to have continued working her once trademark style, but only have changed some key accessories and basic must-have items..and while keeping her uniqueness not experimenting that much,especially since we saw the outcome of that..
I feel like it's weird that mags always try to glam her up, when she's relly more kind of rockabilly to me. Always with the high waisted denim etc. But I do think that Arena magzine was highly photoshopped!!
So you saw Mischa getting worse in dressing herself too! It's a shame, because when she had Zoe, she was indeed a Style Icon.
But compensation, the pictures in Arene are quite good.
Hmm, I'll be seeing Miss Barton in those flattering dresses, some good ballet flats and something new for her and maybe something quirky for 200 and 8!
i really liked mischa's hippie phase. it really suit her. but the dark hair and red lips look tacky.
Agree the boho look suits her more than glam.
I've never like her and I don't think she's a fashion icon either, but she should cut her hair or try to do something new with it and use more "country chic" clothes
I was going to do a post on her, but halfway through writing it I lost all intrest
She has lost her zaz-zar-zoo for me, I am not inspired by her anywmore, which is a shame!
I wish the old her would come back
I was going to do a post on her, but halfway through writing it I lost all intrest
She has lost her zaz-zar-zoo for me, I am not inspired by her anywmore, which is a shame!
I wish the old her would come back
I have no idea why young stars find it SO hard to dress well, the other day I was talking with a friend about that, we couldn't believe how they still had to hire some stylist to help them =L
Anyways, it seems like Mischa is kind of lost without Zoe, she has zero creativity these days.
I'd love to see her, just like you, with her hippie style back, i mean, she's still young and can pull it off nicely.
i really really hate Mischa she is a bluff..
i love mischa, but i think she's trying way too much to be a messy kate bosworth.
I still do like her a lot, I think it just makes her a sweetheart to sometimes do mistakes. It's just nice. And she is just gorgeous the way she is.
juliet xxx
She'll always be my girlcrush.
But her new hair is blaaahhhh. She needs to go back to dark/honey blonde or her glossy dark brown.
She always seems a bit dull for me, one of those pretty but uninteresting girls. I really like the Areana shoot mind, I think its one of the few times that I actively pick up a man's magazine!
I haven't thought about Mischa in ages. What has happened to her? For a while there, I was really digging her style, but yes, she needs some serious guidance. Good luck in 2008, Mischa!
And happy holidays, discothequechic!
Screw Hollywood stylists (we don't need another cookie cutter actress), she should just befriend Clemence Posy and ask her new friend, "Does this look chic?"
I actually liked her hippie look! But saying that she has had her fair share of dodgy outfits and my god i am sick of seeing her on magazine covers. Oh and I hated that polka dot dress she wore recently. I would like to see her with her honey blonde hair, in feminine, vintage looks and no garish colours! Like someone else said, she isn't much of a style icon really.
basically she needs to actually do some movies and remind us why she is supposedly famous in the first place because write now she's overexposed which only makes us dissect the disgusting dresses she wears even more
I just did a post on something similar to this - what I think celebrities should wear to red carpet events! That said, I have to admit that I actually dislike the styles of most celebrities, including Mischa. Seriously, if I had her body and money, I would be wearing something much better fitting and original than the boring and unflattering outfits we keep seeing her in.
Hmm, lots of food for thought!
Miss Woo, I agree with you about that Arena issue. But don't you think flicking through mens mags is like the cooler and less cliched equivalent of wearing your boyfriends shirt?
The Clothes Horse; genius! so spot on, Poesy is a babe.
Thanks Alexgirl! Happy Holidays to you too.
yeah, Bojana, what is with the dodgy dye job? Her hair actually looks like Lindsay Lohan's skin! Not good.
I'm with "coco", she lost her zaz-zar-zoo. She has to improve her look!
I like her look. at least she dares to be different.
mischa's style is alwys evolving, she dares so many things ! sometimes it works sometimes not but it's worth trying
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