Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Week of Wardrobes Through The Lens:
Black on Black Analysis; Chic or Bleak?

click image for a better gawp..

Usually a week packed full of fashion events and charity bashes will guarantee many a pretty shiny dress for us fashion magpies to feast our eyes on, but naturally, there is often a quiet week when only the likes of Vanessa Hudgens and Jessica "Blahh-ba" come out to play, and quite frankly, I don't care which scarf they have chosen to colour coordinate with their tucked in trousers and boots combination.

So I have therefore chosen to, from this day on, shamelessly scrutinish and disect some of the outfits of those who (or indeed their stylists) show flair, or in some cases those who show not a scrap of it. Or those who everyone just jolly well feels the need to talk about.

With all the Christmas preparation going down, the 'slebs' minds have beem mostly occupied by throwing money at the problem of last minute presents, and as a result, scrubby hair, battered jackets and "safe" accessories like scarves, boots and anything black coloured are what their shopping get-ups have consisted of.

With the exception of Lily Allen of course, who, regardless of me helplessly liking her, had the distinct whiff of "whoring out" when she opened the Harrods Winter Sale on Friday. But she still halfway cute, so she may be forgiven.

PS, After a good couple of weeks of non stop socialising and guest-entertaining at my abode, it's nice to scuttle off and find an excuse to be completely anti-social isn't it? I'm talking about returning to the blog of course. By the looks of some of the interesting posts I've seen popping up, it seems that many of you have returned already, but either way, Happy New Year!

And, a "fun" game for us all (Don't worry, it's not Charade's, again); name your best and worst present..


Anonymous said...

yay ur back! i had withdrawl symptnoms already!

great outfits, black seems to be the favourite of the yummy mummy selective- i never thought lily could look so sophis! And as ever, lindsay working the trashy 80s revival look with icky jackets. This post reminds how much black iv been wearing this winter!

Onto sunnier subjects...
Best pressie- suprising + thoughtful, my big sister got me a polaroid camera! iv always wanted one but after discovering jinga burza, the intensity got ridiclous! fully intend to try it out soon and probs get myself arrested for loitering :)

worst- clothes bought by family. its lovely...its still got the receipt hasnt it?!

happy new year :) may u blog foreva!

WendyB said...

I have to say black is a nice easy thing to wear when you're doing a lot of running around.

Georgi said...

I used to hate black. I probably didn't have anything of that colour.
Now that my life has changed I came to buy lots of black clothes...
As wendyb said, something black is easy to wear when you've got so much to do aroun.
Maybe is a matter of age?

A. said...

love kirsten & ashley. always, always.

black is uber chic. never fails for me.

best pressie? oh i got so many! but i guess my absolute two favourites would be my oxford booties & my mustard AA skirt. amour.

worst? there werent really any completely horrid presents but i would have to say all those chocolates. not got for the thighs :P


A. said...


not good for the thighs.


Lola said...

i couldnt tell whether the line was pointing to the shoes or the bag...but i think ashleys bag is the givenchy nightengale bag not gucci. but i could be wrong. i love her jacket tho.
as far as my best presents..i think a really pretty pair of blue heels with a gold chain from my parents and the amy winehouse cd my sis gave me

Tinsley said...

Haha, thanks for the fact. Very interesting but how on earth did you know that ;)
I have to agree, black is everywhere. But really I'd love to see something different from each of these stars.
Hmm, my fact for you? Ashley's sweater is Balenciaga :) Yeah yeah I know, very intelligent and mind blowing for you :) lol

I’m very excited to ask you something though. What would you think of joining a forum that includes a lot of bloggers. It wouldn’t be anything too big (but we’ll see) and I’d like a bunch of bloggers I know to come and just post on random things. Like a little catch up place where we can get to know each other and talk about fashion etc etc?
I’m inviting other people too like Coco, missatlaplaya and bojana etc.
You can invite other people too

The forum is (haha I know cheesy name, but whatever :) )

So what do you think?

Q said...

My vote: CHIC! All the French do it, and we should follow suit. Also, black is slimming, so what's not to love about that.

Lana said...

Yay you're back!!

I like the outfits from Ashley and Kirsten the most. But gotta love that puffa jacket from LiLo too. But I'm fed up by her always wearing those freakin leggings! Are you trying to make a statement, or make it your trade? Well, just don't! :P

And you Happy New Year too Stevie!

Héloïse J. said...

black is always the choice for the days that imagination and mixing+matching mood is missing! safe choice- luv it :)

best and worst? :( don't have yet. Santa cutie arrives on new year's eve here!!!

Miss at la Playa said...

i don't like Lindsay's style.. but Kirsten looks lovely!

best present: it hasn't arrived yet! :)
worst present: a doll which dances and sings

Bojana said...

Yay, you're back!!

I love the comments you made about the outfits, hah.

Lindsay is just so BLAH!! Boring. Is she ever going to come up with something exciting?

Kiki looks cute. And she definitely pulls off the UGGs!!

Mash said...

glad you re back lovely :)
ahhhhhhhh I can't stand hohan s*it !
whaou i love the color black because it goes with everything you take and its chic ( I mean in France)
My 2 favourites girls are Nicole and Ashley <3

Kat said...

Lily is really after changing her tune, no more gold creole hoops and neon eyeshadow. Loved lindsay's heels.

Ha ha, good question! My best pressie was a chanel eyeshadow quad, so much fun! Oh and grey suede shoe boots - they go with everything!

Worst was wait for it... a scratch card!

Happy New Year!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Black on black can be chic, but also so boring! Black and navy is a fresh change I think chic celebs should attempt.
Best present: fish eye camera
Worst: 3 pairs of black tights--I already had 2, what were they thinking???

Ella Gregory said...

Worst gift? A manincure kit! Do I look like I want to do my own nails???? No!
I love the Jessica Blah Blah, there are like.... 4 Jessica's in Hollywood and they all dress the same
Lindsay is beginning to make me feel ill now, but Nicole and Kirsten still have it!
Have a good New Year (if you find the secret to a good one - no one seems to ever have a perfect one!)
x x x x

Ella Gregory said...

Worst gift? A manincure kit! Do I look like I want to do my own nails???? No!
I love the Jessica Blah Blah, there are like.... 4 Jessica's in Hollywood and they all dress the same
Lindsay is beginning to make me feel ill now, but Nicole and Kirsten still have it!
Have a good New Year (if you find the secret to a good one - no one seems to ever have a perfect one!)
x x x x

Blue Floppy Hat said...

My favourite is Kirsten- she's the only one who looks like she's living, and engaging in activities other than shopping (or related things). Gotta love her for the casual pulled-back hair, tights and (best of all) the newspaper!
Happy 2008 (it's close enough, now).

riz said...

CHIC! But of course that HAS to be my view! :)

(Haha, "Jessica Blah-ba")

Belated Merry Xmas btw,

Oh, and I completely agree with your previous Cavalli post, which I jsut caught up on. I don't know how he does it either.

Happy New Year in advance!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog ,I totally agree with you a few posts back ,I would love to see more gloominess in editorials this spring ,and more dark haired models.

Check out my blog and link if you'd like, I'm just starting it but it will be good.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog ,I totally agree with you a few posts back ,I would love to see more gloominess in editorials this spring ,and more dark haired models.

Check out my blog and link if you'd like, I'm just starting it but it will be good.

Mónica said...

I didn't like Linsday then, and less now...She is so over! I love Kirsten look, always so chic and intellectual in a way

Liberty London Girl said...

My best present!

LLG xx

Liberty London Girl said...

My best present!

LLG xx

Ali said...

hi darling - ive missed your posts terribly.
favourite present? i would have to say either my MISSHAPES book or gucci rush perfume. it makes me smile everytime i smell it.
worst? bubble bath. its only going to encourage my lazyness even more. hee hee.

Siru said...

here's a gerat idea that isn't done everywhere, keep on with the great job!

juliet xxx

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I love ashley olsen in that outfit the best, black is really back lately eh? Lily allen is awesome she has cute style and i'm not ashamed to say i love her voice an her music.
btw I've given you an award, see my blog for details;)

rice paper girl said...

best present - gift cards
worst present - tacky ear muffs :(

Lauren said...

i think kirsten and ashley always mix up the black - they make it look cool lol!
lindsay just bothers me... in many ways :/

happy new years eve :D

Michelle said...

I'm liking the shiny legs on Lilo there, I wonder if its spandex or latex. And happy new year to you too!

Anonymous said...

hmm I like layer upon layer of dark somber colors, there's something about neutrals recently...

I almost refuse to wear anything overly colorful now...

riz said...

That's so weird I just watched the Royal Tanenbaums the other day! I agree with #7