Monday, December 03, 2007

Advent Season: Day Three


Pfft, forget forward planning what to wear on Christmas Day. All you really need is an elasticated waistband, and you're good to go.

Instead, think about New Years Eve. Whether you're hitting the town or sprawling like a cool kid in front of Jools Holland's Hootenamy with a load of drunken oldies (this idea is becoming more and more appealing..), face up to it, the last day of the year is always something of an anti climax. So you may as well ensure that you'll feel good about what you're wearing.

Sure, you could wear plaid this New Years, like everyone else (and his great uncle's wife's next door neighbour), but why not branch out a little and release your inner Hiawatha. Grab the face paint, blusher, hell, even the tomato sauce, let go and paint yourself happy.

[this image has gone on holliday and will be back shortly..]


Anonymous said...

ahha new years... i personally like the holiday parties better, becuase there seems to be so many more of them, and no pressure to have the most amazing time (because everyone else is going nuts)

that said, i really do love the head dresses... i saw this lady at a club wearing one, and she looked so cool.

Lana said...

At least it's a original outfit you'll be wearing! I'm thinking too what to wear at New Years Eve. Christmas is important to me too, but not thát important!

riz said...

You have me thinking abotut my New Year's Eve outfit already. I feel like EVERYONE is going to do the metallic sparkly silvery thing...I for one thought i'd never tire of metallics, but surprisingly it's getting old...

So thank you for this eccentric suggestion! ;)

Bojana said...

This brings up old childhood memories!!

Are you seriously going to write one post every day until Christmas??

I bow. Hats down. MASTER!!! :D

Héloïse J. said...

coucou style for coucou days!

Emma said...

I am falling in love w/ your blog it is so amazing you must be a style icon in yourself check my blog out it probly wont compare though!

Emma said...

I am falling in love w/ your blog it is so amazing you must be a style icon in yourself check my blog out it probly wont compare though!

molly said...

i LOVE indian (oops...native american) head-dresses but i live in a part of canada that has a lot of native americans, in fact, i live about a half a mile away from a reserve and here wearingone and painting stripes on your face would be racist and offensive, even though i definitely wouldnt intend it that way!
i do so love it though!

ohh how alexa chung and her gorgeoussness and her dating-alex-turnerness taunts me

WendyB said...

When I was little I wanted to be an Indian brave when I grew up. I mean a Native American dude with a bow and arrow, not a baseball player.

Anonymous said...

love native americans, like those stripes. I want to go clubbing and have an excuse to wear war paint and crazy make up

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I would definitly feel ready for reverie in a giant headdress. All the rebellion and wildness of a tattoo and none of the permanence.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I would definitly feel ready for reverie in a giant headdress. All the rebellion and wildness of a tattoo and none of the permanence.

Q said...


Get it while you can. It's Crumbled Maps, Version 2.0, coming soon in 2008...

Anonymous said...

u read my mind!

iv actually been trying to make my own for a while now- alas, i was never very good with DT and me+gluegun=danger to society, but hey, im keepin hopeful!...

love love this post!

Mónica said...

hihi, this post is so funny! However, I must admit I won't never dare to wear it

A. said...

love natasha. love bat for lashes.