// Real Resolutions to adopt//
Because we all promise ourselves to "be more healthy; by being more strict with exercising and eating well", but because that is what everyone else is doing and we I usually resign myself to the fact that I won't last through the February, here are some others to shake things up a bit.
With some for myself, some for you, as well as some for the likes of the Olsens thrown in for good measure.
1. Buy more second hand clothes.
I'm feeling disillusioned with buying cheap mass produced clothes. Instead promise yourself to cut back. Having a good snout around a charity shop can be extremely satisfying when you snap up something special. You can cultivate your skills, and feel less guilty about damaging the environment and being unsure of who is being exploited on the production line..
2. Find your trademark hairstyle.Mixing up your style and experimenting with different looks is fun, and it may take a bit of this to find a look that you think really suits you, but I've been inspired by something that Miss Sevigny said; that Wintour and Patti Smith have the right idea by sticking to one hairstyle; because it has meant that they have aged less, and I think there is something rather charming about staying loyal to a certain style and really getting to know your hair, so that you can really understand how to style it and blow dry it to get it looking it's best. That way you can spent more time experimenting with clothes.

3. Take Inspiration from film.
Film is my main source of inspiration, and I like to channel characters rather than the LA It girls. While there is a good week left of Christmas holidays to spent sprawled on the sofa, pop to the video shop and stock up on goodies.
-The Royal Tenenbaums for furcoat loving Margot Tenenbaum.
-Fight Club for Helena Bonham Carter in grubby little second hand dresses and accessories.
-Somersault for Cornish's platinum bedhead and and winter overcast sunday afternoon jumpers.
-Stealing Beauty for floaty floral dresses worn minus a bra Dunst-style, and the Tuscan backdrop doesn't hurt.

4. A suggested resolution for Ashley Olsen.
"There is more to life than being really really ridiculously goodlooking" and so it's about time that you started being a little more friendly to the planet. If you're going to wear fur, why not opt for vintage? But more importantly, downsize that monstrosity of a car. It's ugly, fuel guzzling, and if a bike is good enough for Kate Hudson and the chic Copenhageners..
5. Do one good deed a day.
Being a do good-er was never so much fun. Channel your inner Earl Hickey, and dish out good karma. Hold a door open for someone, compliment them if they look good, smile at a stranger, buy flowers for a friend; one thing a day feels so good.

6. Treat Yourself.
When there is so much to take up our minds and occupy us during the day, it's sometimes easy to forget to relax and treat ourselves. Buy yourself a manicure, or book yourself for a facial. Do it at the weekend and you'll feel all smug and radiant come Monday.
7. Begin each day to a good start.
It's hard to do, but when I pile into bed at a reasonable time, I always feel so much more optimistic come the next morning, and a great way to put yourself in a positive mood for the rest of the day is to set "your song" as your alarm tone. You can select this function on iPods, and many other MP3 players and stereos, and hearing your favourite tune nudge you from your sleep first thing in the morning is a welcome change from the blaring of your rude alarm clock.
I recommend "Later Monday by Jon Brion", for gently easing your way into the day.
great resolutions!
You are totally right with all of them. I want to be inspired by Margot Tenenbaum too, not just because of the fucoat, also the eyeliner and the love for writing theatre and art.
happy new year :)
PS: I'd love if you added my blog to your link list, I added yours some days ago. Thanks in advance :)
Yes, great resolutions! And not the common ones. Stop smoking, eating less sweets and that crap! I really like the resolution: doing a good deed a day. The little things make it not very hard to it!
And I so agree on the early to bed part! You feel more energetic in the morning. For me it's being on time to catch the train :P. Soo, that probably is my resolution!!
And those Nike Nails are just so cool..<3
I think you have the right idea there with the pizza and Jools, I was supossed to be going to a party in North London that a friend of a friends band was playing at but that has now been cancelld. So really who knows????
Did you watch the big fat quiz of the year last night? Lily Aleen was very funny which i was surprised on.
I agree with you on the big car vs bike thing. Ashley and Nicole Richie are both so tiny yet have huge cars, though there is something about them that looks so
prehaps the fact you know its bad?
Have a great New Year
x x x x x
discoteque chic, thanks a lot for oyour supportive comments! I'm glad you like my blog :)
thanks for adding me to the january best reads! but the link isn't working...
love you blog, we should swap links
Great post. I have just butchered my 'trademark hair'. It's been short forever and I decided to have the fringe lopped off as I'm going to India for 9 weeks and don't think there will be a budget to fly out my hairstylist every time I need a cut. Except my regular stylist was away so I got someone else to do it and now it's waaay short! Oops! Ah well, by the time I come back maybe it will be back to normal.
Thanks for your lovely comment, that's your good deed for the day done...I'll def keep on blogging, Happy New Year x
Excellent resolutions. I really need to start pinning mine down. I'm running out of time. Eep!
great resolutions , for me i ll take :treat yourserlf(suuuuuuure lol),begin each day to a good start ,do one good deed a day and take inspiration from film
have an happy new year lovely xoxo
lovely resolutions - everything is spot on withe me
Today i was in front of the mirror and decided to find a signature hairstyle to wear. I decided on brigit bardot style (half pinned up) but with straight hair.
like amy winehouse ... sort of :P
genius. i must say i agree about ashley olsen. as much as i love her, and as much as i love her marvelous mercedes g wagon, what is the point of having such a large car for such a small girl. it is not like she has to tote kids to soccer practice, pointless.
Those are really great resolutions! I'm seriously going to try to apply them to my life. Happy New Year!
Great list! I think I'm going to start buying more second hand clothes too.
Good advice! Speaking of the Olsens,some people mocked them (or one of them) for wearing a top hat but all the women at my party last night who put on the top hat party hats last night looked awesome! I think the real thing would be worth trying.
great post!! I love the pictures
Happy new year!!
I like resolution #2...in fact, they're all great.
Happy new year!
oh these are great resoloutions. fashionable but not entirely superficial and worthless.
loving these! favs: one because i am totally addicted to vintage clothes.
four because, i dont know how to drive & have been considering the chic bike idea for awhile now
and thanks for the ipod idea. im sure it will come in definite handy tomorrow morning, my first day back at classes. already? haha i know. so sad.
yes, the skirt is quickly becoming my single most favourte article of clothing. i love to wear it with AA's leotard (the backless one) with tights, my new booties & a gigantic scarf wrapped around my neck.
ps. im SO SO SO flattered to be featured yet again in january's best reads! *blushes* i really should do something similar on my page. perhaps like a favourites list..? you being listed first, of course ;]
excellent resolutions!
you wouldn't believe how easy it is to wean yourself out of cheap mass produced clothes once you find a good vintage/charity/buy-sell-trade shoppe. luckily, there should be loads in your town!
awesome resolutions!! need to add them on my list!! ^^ fingers crossed we will be able to keep our resolutions to the end of the year!! ^^
so much to love! the movie choices are perfect.
it just sucks how bloody expensive vintage is in london- you have to 100% adore it to pay a retail price for something that fragile
...but finding something incredible with its own personality is like striking gold! I adopt holly golighty's cat theory, i dont own it it just found me! and we're vair happy together <3
all the best for 2008. I cuted off my hair like Jane the 31th, and I love it...! that was also one of my resolutions...! :-)
Happy New Year!!!
I love your film choices, they're just great
Fabulous Resoulutions! The one about taking inspration from films is brilliant! And that is actually so clever about a signature hairdo. Oh and i loved all these little collages.
Happy New Year!
Great post. Your resolutions are awesome. I specially love the 7th one (: I'm actually going to do that.
Happy 2008 ♥
My resolutions are the ones that people will usually fail on =]
eat healthier...
stop procrastinating...
be a better vegetarian...
I think I love your resolutions...honestly.
good resolutions. i've got to get a new hair do and take better care of my skin!
What fab resolutions! I adore them all, Ashley even more.
I love Jane Birkin hairstyle, she looked great
Totally trying out a new hair style for 08...I've realized sleeping with voluminous hairsprayed hair gives the perfect bardot sex hair look. And seriously why does Ashley need a Hummer? Whats the logic in that...
awesome ideas! I'm actually going through a lot of those old films at the moment- all the good audrey hepburns, and some from here and there. And I swore to myself that I'd try to aim for more timeless pieces for the wardrobe!
hope you're off to a good start for the new year!
I need a trademark hairstyle too...hopefully in the next month or so i'll get a swishy hair cut! haha love this post, great as always stevie!
love your resolutions! thank you.
great start to the new year.
my promise was to shop less H&M, I guess it goes somehow to the first one.
juliet xxx
lol...very nice resolutions hehehhe....
i'm a new comer in your blog and im starting to love it!!
do visit my blog sometime as well...:)
eeeeek. I'm totally in love with all your resolutions, just to let you know. :) especially the one about the olsens and secondhand clothing ;)
Great set of resolutions.... hope the signature hair style comes to you....
i think i should adopt your set of resolutions; they sound perfect!
Yes, the fact that eco-everything, and especially fashion, is on the way up is great!!
Second-hand clothes, and more clothes with quality, that's what I'm going to go for!
and less way of shopping that said: "as long as it is on sale on H&M I'll buy anything!"
But I have actually not been one of those. but anyway! It's worth mentioning in this little message to all of your lovely readers!
i adore the way you put together fashion, your life & political meanings in this amazing blog!
That's fashion!
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