Friday, November 06, 2009

dutch glamour

having spent the past hours in a dimly lit bar (don't get glamorous impressions, the small source of light is coming from neon signage and a flashing fruit machine..) with music blaring and sensory overload, being confronted with these images leave me quite speechless and unable to come up with adequate words to communicate my love for them.
I shall therefore allow this editorial to speak for itself..

dutch glamour, november 2009

images, fashion gone rogue


Olivia Tripp said...

The cardigan in the first picture is beautiful.

joy said...

I like all the pieces featured but think it is rather lazy to feature sweaters as dresses.

A La Mode said...

OOOOOOOhhhhh love this!

fuschiaaa said...


Pearl Westwood said...

The one with the gold glittered hand, and the dog on the beach are so amazing!!

Amy Joy said...


Kimberley Brandsma said...

Great images indeed. I have that issue!;)

Unknown said...

^ I agree, I want it! Looks so cosy, I'm intrigued by Dutch Glamour now.

young-shields said...

so pretty.

and you'd never get this in uk glamour would you?! go, the dutch!

claire x

MrJeffery said...

Are those boots or leggins or something in the first pic? So cool!

A. said...

is this the greasy little spot they played la roux at?

ha, these photos are too lovely for words. & it's making me want to jump start my initiation back into the internet fashion world. i'm lagging very much behind...but two weeks in ny can do that to you [/boasting]

miss yoooou, xxxx

Anonymous said...

Pants? Anyone? No?

Just joking. Thanks for sharing. I LOVE IT!

Siru said...

Very pretty! The last picture caucht my eye.

juliet xxx

Jess-Gab said...

wow these photos are amzinG!!

Meghan and Lana said...

These are gorgeous! Sans pantalons! As an avid wearer of big sweaters/no-pants I really appreciate this. Although I don't look that cool when I do it.

The pink cardigan in the first photo is increeeedible!


Flavia Flanders said...

The model's eye color is amazing, so jealous right now! hahaha...

thimbles and gingham said...

i want to know if they're boots or leggings in the first pic too! its my new inspiration photo for the week!

Mumbling Elf said...

Beautiful, esp the first one. Aeroplane in the hair is an interesting look, hmmm

Jazz Virtue said...

Wow these are amazing!

All Women Stalker said...

The footwear in the first photo is just gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

These images are SO beautiful...
By the way, I LOVE YOUR BLOG :)


My favourite touch has to be the little airplane in her hair. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful!

Amy Joy said...

LOVE the doggy!
Love the christian Louboutin!

check out my blog!!

IƱaki said...

Haha, funny how I thought you were being over dramatic when I read your intro and how true I thought it was after looking at the pictures.


Linnea said...

Love the first pic ;)