just picked these shoes up for a not too shabby £2.95 on a successful trip to the charity shops.
the last couple of weeks I've been suffering from loss of style mojo. bizarrely, inspired and sure of how I wanted to look (ie, a handful of boyish a handful of french) but unable to translate that using my own clothes.
The cure was a ruthless clearing out of my closet (37 pieces discarded with no hard feelings) and a few trips to charity shops with a mental wishlist.
I can't recommend this method enough having a mental wishlist before shopping really helps; sussing out where the gaps in your wardrobe are works wonders. For me, this means if I come across a jacket or skirt I really like, I know I can go for it as it'll be filling a void.
But back to the shoes. I really really love them. Because the heels are quite sturdy, they're that perfect mix of feeling fuss free but also quite unique (the colour! the suede! the snakeskin!)
Worn with the little brown suede mini skirt I also bought, simply mid-parted hair worn down and a casual little top they make me feel a little Anouck Lepere (stylewise at least) and I think you'll all agree that's quite a feat for under £10!
Thrifting is always great!
juliet xxx
You HAVE to love Charity Shopping when you can pick up things like that. What bargains!
Yeeeargh, these completely amazing! I love the snakeskin.
lucky girl -- those shoes are divine!
alas, thrift shops in my city are pretty barren of such finds.
i know exactly how that feels: having inspiration, yet unable to follow through in reality...and least you're proactive and ended up with amazing shoes!
Gotta love charity shopping! I picked up the nicest vintage jumper in one in Leeds a few weeks ago, it has become my staple wardrobe piece!
The shoes look fab! If only our thrift shops have shoes that are as fab. :(
I may have to try your de-wardrobe/re-wardrobe method.:)
Awesome find -- the color, the style, everything!
Jealous of your shoes snag!
cool shoes! especially for£3!
Wow! I love the colour of these and the shape. Usually when I find a nice pair of shoes in a charity shop I turn them around to find they've got this horrible heel, shaped kind of like this ) (. But these are perfect!
what a spectacular find!
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